Monday, April 22, 2013

Making progress . . . What I am doing besides the steps.

Well, last week at class they were on Step 8.  Since I had already done it I had the chance to share the insights I've had that were in my past couple posts. So I thought I would just stay ahead of the class and do Step 9 but I yesterday was about the worst Sunday I've had for a while.  I didn't get anything out of the talks or lessons at church thanks to my 17 month old boy, and in the afternoon and evening my husband had to work so I wasn't able to have any alone time for personal study and blogging.

Now the kids are eating and watching cartoons.  As much as I hate resorting to TV sometimes I just need my own time and it's the only way to get it.  So recently I've been noticing that I have less desire to spend time online.  I still get on now and then, but don't spend near the hours that I used to.  I've started looking for more ways to get out of the house and spend time with other mothers locally.  Having planned outings gives more structure to my day, and limits the time I have for chores.  Having LESS time for chores actually makes me more motivated to do them.  I found that just knowing I only have the morning, or only the afternoon, and not all day, I spend my time more wisely.  Also getting out and meeting other mothers has helped me feel less lonely, and less loneliness means I no longer NEED Facebook to fill any voids in my life.  Facebook can be what it is meant to be - a means of communicating and connecting with people.  It is no longer my main source of adult interaction, and comfort through my struggles.  I no longer sit reading and rereading posts and comments, then commenting and waiting to see how many people "like" my comments and what they respond.  I check up on what's going on and might make a comment or two, but no longer obsess over every little thing that is written.

I still feel like my house is a disaster zone, but much of that is due to having toddlers I just can't keep up with right now.  I have 6 weeks till my due date, and have been rather tired.  Unfortunately toddlers don't slow down just because their mother is in the third trimester with their soon to be new sibling.  Hopefully I can get it more under control in a few years after I'm done having, nursing, and potty training babies!  I'm starting to accept that I just can't have a perfect house and have toddlers at the same time.  While diligence and hard work are important, it is also important for my goals to be realistic to the current situation of my family.  How is it their tiny short little legs can run so much faster than me?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you are spending time outside with others! That's the place to be! I love this post.

    And please please don't be hard on yourself. When I was 8 months prego with my last the laundry made it to the couch and seriously, that's where it stayed. We lived off the laundry on the couch for like 2 months. You are amazing!
