Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I've had to put homeschooling on hold this year.  I now have four children, and am seeking to build a better relationship with God.  I've also discovered I'm an empath.  You can start reading my new journey here.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Step 12 Service

Having had a Spiritual awakening as a result of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, share this message with others and practice these principles in all you do.

I think I've put off writing this for much too long.  I have thought that I just don't have time for this service, and that it's just not really possible in my situation.  But, as a mother I am continuously serving my family, and I have recently decided to home school my children.  Preparing for this really helped me overcome my addiction.  I just don't have the time to use Facebook for anything unimportant any more.  I do still use it as a tool to learn new things and connect with other moms, especially now that I plan to home school.

This will likely be my last post here, and I will be starting a new blog about my homeschooling journey.  For anyone interested in following it.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Post baby

I haven't been able to post anything for a while now because I was busy preparing for having and then caring for my new baby. He was born June 10th weighing 7lb. My children keep me so busy I never have time for the computer any more. I have some weight loss goals and am breastfeeding the infant and my toddler, who just hasn't been ready to wean and I don't have the heart to force him. I am working to create a gospel centered home for these precious spirits that God has entrusted me with.

Earlier this week I was on Facebook on my phone just quickly between activities, and some of the things I was reading suddenly felt like gossip to me. I realized this particular aspect was distinctly not good for my spirit. But there was something the day before that gave me a great idea and an opportunity to help someone in need that I wouldn't otherwise have known they were in need.  I continue to find myself torn between the good and bad aspects but that is the way it is with the use of any technology these days.

My husband was working two jobs for about the past year and a couple weeks after the baby came we were able to afford for him to quit one of them. This is a huge blessing for the whole family. Now he can be a greater support for me in my responsibilities around the house, and he can be more involved with the children. We are starting to set weekly goals together in family council each Sunday. We will have spiritual goals for ourselves and the family, fitness and health goals, and household maintenance goals. 

It feels so good to make my family the priority they should be in my life.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Steps 10 and 11: The ones you just can't check off the list.

I thought these fit well together, and while other steps also pair together well, these are different in that they both are things you need to do to maintain recovery for the rest of your life.  And I just need to get this blog caught up to where I am in the program.

Step 10 daily accountability - continue to take personal inventory, and when you are wrong promptly admit it. This isn't something you do once and then you're done with it. Doing it today still means you have to do it again tomorrow. You can't just brush your teeth once and be done the rest of your life. Every day we are accountable for what we used that day to do. Are we productive with the time we receive that is a gift to us every day?  Every evening we should take some time to reflect on the day and how we used it.  Any mistakes we made or goals we failed to achieve we can commit to doing better the next day.  This is especially important to maintain the progress we have made and keep from relapsing back into our addiction.  If we do not focus daily on becoming better it is easy to fall back into old habits. 

This is something I personally struggle with.  I have never been very good at taking the time before bed to ponder, reflect, and pray.  My husband likes to watch shows together before bed, and when we decide to go to bed I typically feel too tired to do this.  So this is something I will be working on, and will likely work on for a very long time as I can see that it will be something I should do for the rest of my life, and I don't know when this will become a habit that is easy for me.

Step 11 personal revelation - seek through prayer and meditation to know the Lord's will and have the power to carry it out.  This is how we should begin each day, with a prayer seeking to know the Lord's will for us for that day.  He will not tell us everything, otherwise this life would not be a test.  But if we are not seeking to know His will, then when we need His guidance it will not be there for us.  Just as I will be working on step 10 for a long time I will likely also work on this for a long time.  I think both these things will be easier to incorporate into my life when my children are not quite so young.  If I don't at least try now then I will be missing out on strength and blessings that I could really use right now. 

It's that endure to the end concept.  Okay now that I've changed my heart, and overcome so many obstacles and am no longer absorbed in my addiction I need to take steps to insure that I stay as strong as I am now, and continue to progress on my journey.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Step 9: Restitution and Reconciliation

Wherever possible, make direct restitution to all persons you have harmed.

For me, and my addiction those harmed are my family, and the only real way to make restitution would be to change my habits. To spend more time with them, and to keep a clean functioning household. These are things I have been working on all through this process. I have felt the change in my heart that these things have become my priority. They used to just be things I knew should be a priority, and wanted them to be, but they weren't.  Now they are much more than ever before. And if you were to ask me when the change happened I honestly couldn't tell you, but now, when I look at my day I just do things much differently than I did when I was stuck in my addiction. The occasions when I do check Facebook I spend no more than 15 min. at a time there, and it is only after the needs of me and my children have been met. It just isn't as important to me any more.  This morning I woke up early, because for once I slept really good, and my first thought was, "now I have time to study my scriptures before the kids get up."  It used to be that such time would be spent checking Facebook without having to worry about being interrupted by children. I remember when I would forget to eat because I was so involved in Facebook. Now I get out of the house more, and have guests over more. Sometimes I go a couple days without getting on Facebook at all, and I don't even notice. So, I think I have made restitution to me and my family as much as possible. My children are still too young for me to ask forgiveness and have them know what I am talking about, and my husband forgave me the instant I started this program and worked to improve. I think I was able to forgive myself when God taught me that great lesson in humility during step 7. So now it is time to let the past be in the past, and look forward to each new day and the good things I will do to continue to progress.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thoughts on last night's class. . . Cleansing the inner vessel.

Last night we studied step 10, but I haven't quite finished step 9, so these are my thoughts on some of the discussion we had in class.  No steps just reflection on progress, addictions in general and the total awesomeness of this program!

Through this whole journey I have still been using Facebook, and there has been a part of me that wasn't sure if I was really honestly working on my addiction. I was completing all the steps sincerely and they didn't seem to change the fact that I have friends there and enjoy interacting with them.  A man in class argued with me that since my addiction is just as real for me as any other is for anyone else I need to give up Facebook completely.  An alcoholic has to give up going to bars, a porn addict has to give up the internet. . . or set parental controls, a smoker has to give up cigarettes, so it's only right and makes sense that I should have to give up Facebook. . . in his mind.  Up until confronting him last night I wondered in the back of my mind if this was true.

There are two points to be made, one is that ultimately this isn't a Facebook addiction it is a Slothfulness addiction and Facebook happens to be my current method of choice to be slothful with.  If the only thing I did was give up Facebook I would merely replace it with TV or games on my tablet or cell phone.  What I needed to learn was better time management.  The next point is that Facebook does enrich my life and the lives of those I interact with there, and TV or games do not.  Are there ever any circumstances in which porn, drinking, or smoking is uplifting and edifying?  NOT A CHANCE!  But there have been many times when Facebook has been uplifting and edifying for me over the past couple months.

The beauty of the twelve step program is that it focuses on changing the inner vessel.  I kept waiting for the step that was "Give up doing whatever you are addicted to."  But that wasn't the title of any of the steps.  They talked in the reading about ways you should be making progress with the addiction by the time you get to that step, but the focus of each step was on me, not on my addiction.  Until we change our hearts we have no hope of overcoming our addictions, or our favorite sins.  Everyone has a favorite sin that keeps them from God that they don't want to give up.  When we follow not only the little repentance steps we learned as children but follow the more intensified version in the addiction recovery program it allows Christ to change our hearts. He will help us find joyful uplifting ways to meet our emotional or physical needs that we think are being met by whatever favorite sin we have.  The drinker will no longer WANT to go to a bar after his heart has been changed.  The smoker will no longer crave cigarettes.  The porn addict will not longer crave porn.  My husband was once a porn addict and I trust him to pay bills online, and use a smartphone!  GASP!  Why do I trust him?  I can see the ways his heart has changed.  I can see in his countenance that he is a different man through the atonement of Christ.  Until our hearts have changed all other changes are only on the surface and relapse back to our sin is inevitable.

I have changed a lot over the past several months.  I am no longer the woman I was when I started this blog.  I have given up those aspects of Facebook that did not enrich my life.  It no longer feels like the most important thing in my life.  My life is more well rounded.  I still don't love doing laundry, but it gets done anyway, and I joy in pleasing my God and my husband and children. 

The argument with the man in class finally ended when he asked me if I feel okay about my Facebook use even when I pray about it.  With a clear conscience and a peaceful heart I was able to answer "Yes."  In that moment I knew that, though I haven't prayed this specific prayer, I have prayed many others and I felt at peace that I am no longer controlled by my Facebook addiction.  I am the one in control and God knows my heart and has changed my heart.  It was hard for me to see it because I couldn't seem to tell if I had overcome this or not.  I was still using Facebook after all.  But I have learned healthier ways of meeting my needs and I have learned to limit my time there, and I have learned to limit the things I use Facebook for to just those things that are beneficial to my life.

Our hobbies can be good healthy things, but they need not rule our lives.  When we become the ones in control and the important things get done first we are no longer addicted to slothfulness.  We are simply people with a hobby.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Making progress . . . What I am doing besides the steps.

Well, last week at class they were on Step 8.  Since I had already done it I had the chance to share the insights I've had that were in my past couple posts. So I thought I would just stay ahead of the class and do Step 9 but I yesterday was about the worst Sunday I've had for a while.  I didn't get anything out of the talks or lessons at church thanks to my 17 month old boy, and in the afternoon and evening my husband had to work so I wasn't able to have any alone time for personal study and blogging.

Now the kids are eating and watching cartoons.  As much as I hate resorting to TV sometimes I just need my own time and it's the only way to get it.  So recently I've been noticing that I have less desire to spend time online.  I still get on now and then, but don't spend near the hours that I used to.  I've started looking for more ways to get out of the house and spend time with other mothers locally.  Having planned outings gives more structure to my day, and limits the time I have for chores.  Having LESS time for chores actually makes me more motivated to do them.  I found that just knowing I only have the morning, or only the afternoon, and not all day, I spend my time more wisely.  Also getting out and meeting other mothers has helped me feel less lonely, and less loneliness means I no longer NEED Facebook to fill any voids in my life.  Facebook can be what it is meant to be - a means of communicating and connecting with people.  It is no longer my main source of adult interaction, and comfort through my struggles.  I no longer sit reading and rereading posts and comments, then commenting and waiting to see how many people "like" my comments and what they respond.  I check up on what's going on and might make a comment or two, but no longer obsess over every little thing that is written.

I still feel like my house is a disaster zone, but much of that is due to having toddlers I just can't keep up with right now.  I have 6 weeks till my due date, and have been rather tired.  Unfortunately toddlers don't slow down just because their mother is in the third trimester with their soon to be new sibling.  Hopefully I can get it more under control in a few years after I'm done having, nursing, and potty training babies!  I'm starting to accept that I just can't have a perfect house and have toddlers at the same time.  While diligence and hard work are important, it is also important for my goals to be realistic to the current situation of my family.  How is it their tiny short little legs can run so much faster than me?!?!