Thursday, May 9, 2013

Step 9: Restitution and Reconciliation

Wherever possible, make direct restitution to all persons you have harmed.

For me, and my addiction those harmed are my family, and the only real way to make restitution would be to change my habits. To spend more time with them, and to keep a clean functioning household. These are things I have been working on all through this process. I have felt the change in my heart that these things have become my priority. They used to just be things I knew should be a priority, and wanted them to be, but they weren't.  Now they are much more than ever before. And if you were to ask me when the change happened I honestly couldn't tell you, but now, when I look at my day I just do things much differently than I did when I was stuck in my addiction. The occasions when I do check Facebook I spend no more than 15 min. at a time there, and it is only after the needs of me and my children have been met. It just isn't as important to me any more.  This morning I woke up early, because for once I slept really good, and my first thought was, "now I have time to study my scriptures before the kids get up."  It used to be that such time would be spent checking Facebook without having to worry about being interrupted by children. I remember when I would forget to eat because I was so involved in Facebook. Now I get out of the house more, and have guests over more. Sometimes I go a couple days without getting on Facebook at all, and I don't even notice. So, I think I have made restitution to me and my family as much as possible. My children are still too young for me to ask forgiveness and have them know what I am talking about, and my husband forgave me the instant I started this program and worked to improve. I think I was able to forgive myself when God taught me that great lesson in humility during step 7. So now it is time to let the past be in the past, and look forward to each new day and the good things I will do to continue to progress.

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